Required Tools:
Flat nosed pliers
Required Materials:
Keychain ring
Three beads (preferably a large, medium and small size)
Two silver 4 mm beads
Tiger tail about 8 inches long
Two crimp beads
This keychain is very easy and only takes several minutes to complete. It is perfect for corporate events as an icebreaker activity.
Take the tiger tail and put a crimp bead at the bottom. Using the flat nosed pliers squeeze the crimp bead then string on one of the 4 mm beads.
Then string your three beads, put the biggest bead of the three beads at the bottom and your smallest bead at the top. String on the remaining silver 4mm bead and then the remaining crimp bead.
String the top of the wire through the keychain ring and then back through the crimp bead. Using the flat nosed pliers squeeze the crimp bead and cut off the excess wire.
Happy Beading!