Video reference: Aunties Beads
This video shows how to make a wire-wrapped bracelet. This is the type of beading project that we do at our adult bead parties. It is absolutely stunning when completed.
The tools that you need are a round-nosed plier, chain-nosed plier and the nibbler tool. This bracelet looks best if you use large beads and 6mm spacer beads. The amount that you will need depends on the size of the wrist that you are making this bracelet for. You will also need 7mm closed jump rings, a sterling silver 22mm gage wire and an s clasp.
First thing you do is take the wire and make a loop using the round-nosed pliers, slip on a jump ring, and then start wrapping the wire at the base of the loop three or four times.
Next string onto the wire your spacer bead, large bead, and another spacer bead. At the end of the three beads make a loop, put in the jump ring and wrap the wire around three or four times. Keep doing this until you have the desired length of your bracelet. Remember, depending on the size of your clasp you may want to make your bracelet a little bit shorter because the clasp adds length.
To add the clasp, make a loop at the end of your bracelet, put one end of the s clasp in and firmly close it with your chain -nosed pliers. Make a loop at the other end of your bracelet. This loop will slip on the other end of the s clasp to close your bracelet while you are wearing it.
Watch the video to see a more detailed step-by-step tutorial of how to make this bracelet.
Happy beading!