Saturday, April 26, 2008

Beading Buds - Your Guide to Successful Beading

Please visit for all your beading party needs!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Beading Parties and General Beading Needs

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Beading Buds,

I would like to introduce this blog as a creative destination in beading and beading related topics. We plan on centralizing this fine art form for all you web savvy beading designers. Please feel free to visit our site at It's a site that shows our commitment to the beading novice and is a spring board to all that is beading and the imagination that explores it. I hope that as an online community we can share our expertise (without hesitation or great reserve) the beauty of our creative designs and our skills as artists. I hope you will feel free to contact us at and detail your creative beading experiences and/or thoughts.

With only the Warmest Regards,
The Beading Buds.

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